For the Beginner and Aspiring Wedding Photographer

who wants to learn wedding photography, efficiently, and start a career fast.

Master Wedding Photography with Our Structured Approach:

Our program is your roadmap to mastering wedding photography.

We offer weekly live online classes with an experienced wedding photographer mentor, providing personalized feedback and expert answers to all your questions.

Turn Your Passion into Profit:

Master Wedding Photography & Capture Timeless Love Stories.

Turn your passion for photography into a thriving career.

Are you

Frustrated by the slow progress and lack of guidance in your self-taught wedding photography journey?

Want to master capturing a wedding day with confidence on your own right away?

Do you crave mentorship from established professionals to accelerate your journey and ask questions?

Our program offers exactly that!

Become a confident wedding photographer who captures stunning memories with our comprehensive program.

We are your launchpad to a fulfilling and rewarding career in wedding photography.

Our powerful 24-week program equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to launch your career.

  • Learn essential techniques for composition and lighting

  • Gain invaluable insights for posing and directing clients

  • Get hands-on practice with flash photography- low light- harsh light

  • Learn the business of handling a wedding day

  • Learn all that happens pre wedding - client communication - wedding day shooting

  • Post production culling images-Lightroom edits

  • Images delivery and album creating

Our program equips you with the skills and knowledge to be a successful wedding photographer.

We share the battle-tested secrets honed over years, we are teaching all that we wish we knew when we started.

We cut years off of your learning curve, saving you from the mistakes we have made and the frustration and time consuming of self-taught discovery.

We prepare you for success, not just with technical skills, but with the emotional intelligence to navigate the whirlwind of a wedding day.

Because in the end, it's the human connection, the unscripted moments, the raw vulnerability that makes every wedding a beautiful, emotional masterpiece – and we will equip you to capture it all.

You have found the secret recipe to learn and become a wedding photographer quickly.

Our Accelerated Program Is not Just About Saving Time,

The truth about wedding photography is that it will take you between 3-7 years to learn on your own.

Our comprehensive wedding photography course equips you with everything you need to confidently capture wedding moments as a lead photographer, right from the start, cutting years of your trial and error journey.

This course, created by experienced wedding photographers who've been there, done that (and maybe even shed a tear or two!), is designed to do just that.

Stop waiting years for experience and knowledge to come to you.

This is your chance to learn from the pros, get live feedback and get the inside scoop right away.

Here's a Sneak Peek at a Weekly Challenge:

Your Mission:

  • Scout a Location: Weather indoors or outdoors, identifying potential photo spots with interesting backdrops, textures, and architecture.

  • Light Analysis: Throughout the day, observe how natural light interacts with different areas at various times.

  • Consider: Where will the bride and groom have optimal lighting for portraits during different parts of the day (morning ceremony vs. evening reception)

  • Envision the Photos: As you scout, visualize potential shots that could be captured at each location. Consider different compositions, angles, and posing possibilities based on the available light and surroundings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop your location scouting skills to identify visually appealing and practical shooting locations.

  • Understand how natural light changes throughout the day and its impact on photo quality.

  • Practice creative visualization to anticipate potential photo opportunities and plan your shots effectively.

This assignment prepares you for:

  • Confidently navigating a new wedding location on the day of the event.

  • Adapting to different lighting conditions and using them to your advantage.

  • Thinking creatively capturing stunning wedding photos that tell the story of the couple's special day.

About us

Born from Passion, Fueled by Experience

We are a collective of passionate and established wedding photographers who share a common story: the journey from aspiring to accomplished in the captivating field of wedding photography.

We remember the challenges of finding our footing, and the immense satisfaction of finally honing our skills.

It's this shared experience that ignited a desire within us – a desire to empower the next generation of wedding photographers and ease their path.

We believe that every aspiring artist deserves guidance, support, and a platform to thrive.

We understand the unique challenges faced by newcomers.

We offer not just technical knowledge, but also the real-world insights and practical advice that can only come from experience.

We believe in your vision, in the power of your passion, and in your ability to create lasting memories for countless couples to come.

Struggling to Direct and Pose Your Subjects?

Struggling to Direct and Pose Your Subjects?

Mastering posing is your secret weapon for natural-looking photos in any photography genre.

It goes beyond the camera settings and creates a relaxed atmosphere for your clients, no matter their experience level.

Think about it.

When someone feels awkward or tense, it shows. Their shoulders hunch, their smile feels forced, and you the photographer just...stands there. No guidance, no direction, just a cheerful, "Okay, smile!" followed by a click. Crickets. More awkward silence. Another forced smile. See the problem?

Without a photographer who understands posing, the session can be a frustrating experience for everyone.

That is where the magic of posing comes in!

We understand the importance of this skill and offer a unique program to help you master it.

Here's what sets us apart:

  • Live, online classes with Q&A to answer all your questions.

  • Weekly challenges to fast-track your posing skills.

  • Your posing mentor isn't just an award-winning photographer; she spent two decades as a fashion model.

She understands the anxieties clients face and has the technical expertise to guide them into flattering poses. Learn from a true master!

Enroll now and unlock your posing potential!

What are you waiting for?

The cost of doing nothing is the missed opportunity to master the craft quickly, and embark on a fulfilling journey as a skilled and sought-after wedding photographer.

We know you crave knowledge, and we are here to empower you with the tools you need to succeed.

Subscribe below to access our Photographer’s Wedding Day Timeline Guide.

(a sneak peek at the valuable resources our students receive).

Let's turn your passion into a profession!

Gain professional skills fast with our exclusive programs and kickstart your wedding photography career.

We Want You to Be Thrilled, Not Thrilled Out!

We're so confident you'll love our classes that we offer a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

No pressure, no worries! ✨

Think of it like a test drive for your photography skills. Dive into the first two weeks of the course - join the live classes, put the exercises into practice, and see if it's sparking your creativity.

If after 14 days, you decide it's not quite the right fit, simply let us know, and we'll happily refund your entire purchase price.

Your satisfaction is our top priority!

We're not happy unless you're happy! So, take the plunge, explore the course, and unleash your wedding photography career.